Friday 5 July 2013


As I already said I get bored really easily and very often so I try to find things to do. And Pinterest is one of my favourite places on the internet to look for crafts etc. I love baking and when I saw dozens of Pins with rainbow cakes I decided to make one of my own but with a twist.
I looked around my baking drawer and found a cupcake pan for small cupcakes and as an experiment I thought why not use this and make a rainbow cupcake. As you can tell small cupcakes aren't really that filling so I made Rainbow Cupcake Kebabs.
The Recipe
Although I halved the recipe for the experiment the ingredients should be enough for 5 kebabs.
160g Butter (room temperature)
160g sugar
3tbs milk (add more if necesarry)
2 eggs
160g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
few drops of vanilla extract
foodcolouring (I used red, blue, yellow)
cupcake tin 2.5 cm
Icing (optional)
icing sugar (add as much as you like)
few drops of water
few drops vanilla extract
Preheat your oven to 170 *C 
  • Mix the butter, sugar and milk in a bowl until it is light and fluffy.
  • Beat the eggs in a seperate bowl and add that and the vanilla extract to the mixture and mix it through.
  • Next, add the flour and baking powder and keep mixing the mixture until it is smooth.
Now for the fun part. You will need three smaller bowls for this part.
  • Use a spoon to scoop about 2 spoonfuls into a bowl.
Now I suggest you use gloves as this can get very messy. 
  • Add one colour to the cupcake batter.
I suggest using small amounts of foodcolouring until you get your desired colour, also the colouring can affect the taste if too much is used.
  • Mix the batter and colouring and put the mixture into the cupcake pan.
  • Blend colours to create new ones and repeat the process.
I rinsed the bowls in between uses.
  • Now it should look something like this.
  • Put the cupcakes into the oven for about 15 minutes.
I reccomend keeping a close eye on the cupcakes as they are smaller than a regular cupcake they can burn faster.

In the oven...
  • Take the cupcakes out when you can insert a knife into the cupcakes and it comes out clean.
  • Let the cupcakes cool on a cooling rack.
  • Now you can start on the icing. Take a bowl and add a little bit of icing sugar, add a few drops of water and vanilla extract and mix the icing. Repeat the process until you have the desired amount. Add more water or icing sugar if the mixture isn't consistant enough . The icing should just dribble of your spoon.
Cooling down.
  • Take the cupcakes out of their cases and cut of the top of so that you have a straight line.
  • Take a kebab stick and add the cupcakes in order of the rainbow.  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet. Whilst adding a little bit of icing inbetween layers.
  • Put the kebabs on a plate and Voila, Rainbow Cupcake Kebabs.
I hope you enjoyed the recipe!
Belle Bisous,
ps. Let me know what you think of my posts. There is always room for improvement (especially my English).

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